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Yes, You CAN Do What You Want in Life. Just Ask My Kids.

Every morning while I get ready for work, we have the news on the TV (WGN, always). When my kids get up early enough, they come in and lay in our bed and watch some of the news as well, before switching the channel to Disney Junior. My 6 year old likes to watch the weather report, so that he can tell everyone what the weather will be for today and tomorrow.

Though I’m not fond of them watching all the bad news that is reported (and there seems to be a lot these days–more often than good news), it doesn’t generally take long for them to see the weather report and then change to their shows. Today, one of the reports was about getting a job out of college and working. I honestly have no idea what the story was really about, but my 6 year old said to me, ‘So, after college, you go and get a job and work forever?’

Screeching halt in my brain. Two years ago, I’d have said, yep, sure do. Now? Oh, no. No, I took that opportunity to tell my boys that there IS an option to that. I said, well, you *can* do that, and most people do. If you enjoy school and want to go to college, do it. If you enjoy your field and can get a job in it, do it. But you can also do what Mommy is doing. You do have an option. You can be an entrepreneur. (I had to help them sound that one out, but they got it.)

I’m not sure that you can imagine the joy I felt in my heart to be able to tell my boys that they had an option to working their lives away. I had to take a moment afterward. I told them that they could work for themselves, and live their lives how they wanted, without restrictions. Do you know how that feels, to tell a young child–who is currently being molded and shaped according to YOUR views–that they have an option? That they TRULY can do whatever they want with their lives? It was startling.

Perhaps it would help some people to look at life with ‘fresh eyes’. What if you had choices? What if you had options? Would you change your life? I have, and I am so grateful for it. I know that I haveĀ already changed my boys’ life paths just by giving them that choice. In 5 minutes, their entire future was altered, simply because I chose to be different.
